G5 Friends account questions
- How do I create a G5 Friends account?
- How do I log into my G5 Friends account?
- How can I transfer game progress to a new device?
- When I enter my email to save my game progress, I get the error message that "Email address is already in use".
- How can I change my G5 Friends Player Login?
- How can I change the email address associated with my G5 Friends account?
- How can I delete my G5 Friends account?
- I have already created a G5 Friends account, but I don't remember my Player Login/password.
- I've filled in the fields in My Profile, but it shows only 85% complete.
- How do I start the game from scratch?
- How do I find my G5 Friends Player Login?
- How many G5 Friends can I have? Is there a limit?
- How do I delete the invitations to other games my G5 Friends keep sending me?
- How do I invite new G5 Friends?
- How can I sort my list of Friends?
- How do I delete a G5 Friend?
- How do I block a G5 Friend?
- What does the Gear sign serve for in the Chat section? Which settings can I adjust?
- How do I visit a G5 Friend?
- How many free gifts can I send per day?
- How many collection items can I send as a gift to my G5 Friends?
- How do I request a gift?
- How many gifts can my Gifts tab store until I accept them?
- What is News Feed and what it shows?
- Can I give gifts straight from my News Feed?
- What are "Thank you" gifts, and how do I send them?
- What does the phrase stating that one of my G5 Friends has asked for help in the game mean?
- What are Clubs/Unions for?
- How to create a new Club/Union?
- How to join a Club/Union?