If you encounter an error installing or updating G5 Launcher, follow these steps:
- Check if your Internet connection is stable.
- Make sure you have enough free space on your device.
- Ensure that you have the latest version of Windows installed.
- In the update error window hit the Retry button (try several times).
If this does not help, select the Download Launcher button in the same window. A blank page will open, starting the automatic download of the G5 Launcher installation file. Running the downloaded file will install the G5 Launcher.
If the issue persists, uninstall G5 Launcher and try to re-run the previously downloaded G5 Launcher installation file.
If this doesn't help, try the following:
- For Windows 11, open: Start menu -> Settings -> Apps -> Advanced app settings -> Choose where to get app -> Anywhere.
- For Windows 10, open: Start menu -> Settings -> Apps -> Installing apps -> Allow apps from anywhere.
If none of the above steps help, please contact our Support Team at support@g5.com and give a detailed description of your problem so that we can investigate your issue as quickly as possible.