- Silver tile behaves like a regular tile but doesn't match with other silver tiles. Can be removed by lightning or a bomb activated nearby.
- Marble tile behaves like a regular tile but doesn't match with other marble tiles. Can be removed by matching a combination nearby, as well as by activating lightning or a bomb.
- Stone takes the place of a tile. Can be removed by matching a combination near it. The stone can be strengthened, and each stage of strengthening requires an additional combination matched next to it, or an additional activation of lightning or a bomb nearby.
- Metal takes the place of a tile. Can be removed by matching a combination nearby or by activating lightning or a bomb.
- Chains block a tile's movement. Can be removed by matching a combination with the blocked tile. There can also be double chains, in which case an additional combination is required to remove them.
- Portal a pair of cells, one of which is the entry and the other one is the exit. When the exit cell is empty, a tile from the linked entry cell falls into it.